See Also: Internal Reference Standards
See Also: Calipers & Height Gages
- Layout Dye
- Scribes
- Punches
- Center Punch
- Prick Punch
- Transfer Punch
- Squares
- Machinists Square
- Combination Square
- Square Head
- Center Head
- Protractor Head
- (See also: Granite Master Square)
- Dividers
- Trammel
- Straight Edges
- Protractors
- Sine Bars
- Sine Vises
- Sine Plate
- Toolmakers Vises
- Angle Blocks
- Adjustable Parallels
- Planer Gage
- Expanding Mandrel
- Surface Gage
- Setup Blocks (1-2-3 Blocks, etc.)
- V-Blocks
- Adjustable V-Block
- Collet Blocks
- Bench Blocks
Layout Dye
Also called “engineer’s blue,” layout dye is used to make layout marks visible. The dye dries quickly, and marks from calipers or scribers can be seen clearly. Layout dye can generally be removed with alcohol, acetone. Removing layout dye from knurls and similar details can be problematic, so only use the dye where it is necessary.

Squares are used for laying out
Machinists Square
Combination Square
Square Head

Protractor Head

Center Head
Center heads are used on combination squares to find the center of round workpieces.

Cylinder Square
Calipers are used for both measuring applications (see Calipers) and for layout purposes. Most slide calipers are made with hardened points so they can be used to scratch layout lines.
Straight Edges
Sine Bars

Angle Blocks
Adjustable Parallels

Planer Gage
Planer gages are a convenient way to establish a reference height.

Expanding Mandrel

Surface Gage

Setup Blocks
1-2-3 Blocks


Adjustable V-Block
Collet Blocks

Bench Blocks

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